What do you believe?
Philadelphia Baptist Church is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. We hold to the Southern Baptist statement of convictions called The Baptist Faith and Message.
What should I expect during a worship service?
During our worship service we seek to lift high the name of Jesus with singing and the preaching of His word. We sing a mix of contemporary and traditional music. Our pastor’s message aims to teach the totality of scripture, desiring to equip and encourage the believers of Jesus Christ.
What should I wear to worship?
Dress at Philadelphia varies from jeans to business casual. So, come as you are.
Do you offer small group Bible study?
We are so glad you asked! We believe that every member of Philadelphia should be involved in a small group. We offer a Sunday morning Bible study, Sunday School, at 9:45 AM each Sunday. We also have D-Life Groups that meet weekly in various locations to discuss the Bible and fellowship together.
How do I become a member of Philadelphia?
To become a member of Philadelphia Baptist Church, one must profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and be baptized by immersion. A person can join by a transfer of membership if they are a member of a church of like practice.
What do you offer my children on Sunday?
On Sunday morning, Sunday School is available for Children from nursery through fourth grade. Sunday School begins at 9:45 AM. During worship, at the start of the sermon, children in fourth grade and younger can attend children’s church. The children will exit the worship center and return as we conclude worship.
What do you offer middle and high school students on Sunday?
Middle and high school students are led on Sunday morning by Matt and Lindsey. Students meet up stairs in the student room for Bible study at 9:45 AM. Students attend the worship service at 11:00 AM.
How do I contact a staff member?
The staff at Philadelphia are available to you. If you would like to contact a staff member, please call the church office at (334) 297-0517 or e-mail our staff directly. Email addresses are located on the leadership team page.